Migrating from Packages to Parcels
Minimum Required Role: Cluster Administrator (also provided by Full Administrator)
Managing software distribution using parcels offers many advantages over packages. To migrate from packages to the same version parcel, perform the following steps. To upgrade to a different version, see Upgrading CDH and Managed Services Using Cloudera Manager.
Download, Distribute, and Activate Parcels
- In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, click the Parcels indicator
in the top navigation bar.
- Click Download for the version that matches the CDH or service version of the currently installed packages. If the parcel you want is not shown here—for
example, if you want to use a version of CDH that is not the most current version—you can add parcel repositories through the Parcel
Configuration Settings page:
- CDH 5 - Impala, Kudu, Spark, and Search are included in the CDH parcel.
- CDH - https://username:password@archive.cloudera.com/p/cdh5/parcels/
- Accumulo - - https://username:password@archive.cloudera.com/p/accumulo-c5/parcels/
- GPL Extras - https:archive.cloudera.com/gplextras5/parcels/
- Cloudera Distribution of Apache Spark 2
- The exact parcel name is dependent on the OS. You can find all the parcels at https://username:password@archive.cloudera.com/p/spark2/parcels/.
- Key Trustee Server
- Go to the Key Trustee Server download page. Select Parcels from the Package or Parcel drop-down menu, and click DOWNLOAD NOW. This downloads the Key Trustee Server parcels and manifest.json files in a .tar.gz file. Extract the files with the tar xvfz filename.tar.gz command.
- Key Trustee KMS
- Go to the Key Trustee KMS download page. Select Parcels from the Package or Parcel drop-down menu, and click DOWNLOAD NOW. This downloads the Key Trustee KMS parcels and manifest.json files in a .tar.gz file. Extract the files with the tar xvfz filename.tar.gz command.
- Navigator HSM KMS
- Go to the Navigator HSM KMS download page. Select Parcels from the Package or Parcel drop-down menu, and click DOWNLOAD NOW. This downloads the Navigator HSM KMS parcels and manifest.json files in a .tar.gz file. Extract the files with the tar xvfz filename.tar.gz command. Note that the parcel name (KEYTRUSTEE) for the KMS services (both Key Trustee KMS and Navigator HSM KMS) is the same.
- Other services
- Sqoop connectors - https://username:password@archive.cloudera.com/p/sqoop-connectors/parcels/
- CDH 5 - Impala, Kudu, Spark, and Search are included in the CDH parcel.
- When the download has completed, click Distribute for the version you downloaded.
- When the parcel has been distributed and unpacked, the button will change to say Activate.
- Click Activate.
Restart the Cluster and Deploy Client Configuration
- Restart the cluster:
- On the
to the right of the cluster name and select Restart.
tab, click - Click Restart that appears in the next screen to confirm. The Command Details window shows the progress of stopping
When All services successfully started appears, the task is complete and you can close the Command Details window.
- On the
- Redeploy client configurations:
- On the
to the right of the cluster name and select Deploy Client Configuration.
tab, click - Click Deploy Client Configuration.
- On the
Uninstall Packages
- If your Hue service uses the embedded SQLite database, back up /var/lib/hue/desktop.db to a location that is not /var/lib/hue because this directory is removed when the packages are removed.
- Uninstall the CDH packages on each host:
- Not including Impala and Search
Operating System Command RHEL $ sudo yum remove bigtop-utils bigtop-jsvc bigtop-tomcat hue-common sqoop2-client 'kudu*'
SLES $ sudo zypper remove bigtop-utils bigtop-jsvc bigtop-tomcat hue-common sqoop2-client 'kudu*'
Ubuntu or Debian $ sudo apt-get purge bigtop-utils bigtop-jsvc bigtop-tomcat hue-common sqoop2-client 'kudu*'
- Including Impala and Search
Operating System Command RHEL $ sudo yum remove 'bigtop-*' hue-common impala-shell solr-server sqoop2-client hbase-solr-doc avro-libs crunch-doc avro-doc solr-doc 'kudu*'
SLES $ sudo zypper remove 'bigtop-*' hue-common impala-shell solr-server sqoop2-client hbase-solr-doc avro-libs crunch-doc avro-doc solr-doc 'kudu*'
Ubuntu or Debian $ sudo apt-get purge 'bigtop-*' hue-common impala-shell solr-server sqoop2-client hbase-solr-doc avro-libs crunch-doc avro-doc solr-doc 'kudu*'
- Not including Impala and Search
- Restart all the Cloudera Manager Agents to force an update of the symlinks to point to the newly installed components on each host:
sudo service cloudera-scm-agent restart
- If your Hue service uses the embedded SQLite database, restore the database you backed up:
- Stop the Hue service.
- Copy the backup from the temporary location to the newly created Hue database directory, /var/lib/hue.
- Start the Hue service.
Restart Cloudera Manager Agents
Restart all the Cloudera Manager Agents to force an update of the symlinks to point to the newly installed components. On each host run:sudo service cloudera-scm-agent restart