active_applications |
Number of YARN applications in this pool with unsatisfied resource requests. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
active_applications_cumulative |
Number of YARN applications in this pool with unsatisfied resource requests. Includes this pool and any children. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
aggregate_containers_allocated_cumulative_rate |
Aggregate Containers Allocated (Cumulative) |
containers per second |
CDH 5 |
aggregate_containers_allocated_rate |
Aggregate Containers Allocated |
containers per second |
CDH 5 |
aggregate_containers_released_cumulative_rate |
Aggregate Containers Released (Cumulative) |
containers per second |
CDH 5 |
aggregate_containers_released_rate |
Aggregate Containers Released |
containers per second |
CDH 5 |
allocated_containers |
Number of containers allocated in this pool. |
containers |
CDH 5 |
allocated_containers_cumulative |
Number of containers allocated in this pool. Includes this pool and its children. |
containers |
CDH 5 |
allocated_memory_mb |
Allocated Memory |
MB |
CDH 5 |
allocated_memory_mb_cumulative |
Allocated Memory (Cumulative) |
MB |
CDH 5 |
allocated_memory_mb_with_pending_containers |
Allocated memory when pending containers is more than zero. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
allocated_vcores |
Number of vcores allocated in this pool |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
allocated_vcores_cumulative |
Number of vcores allocated in this pool. Includes this pool and its children. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
allocated_vcores_with_pending_containers |
Allocated vcores when pending containers is more than zero. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
apps_completed_cumulative_rate |
Number of completed YARN applications in this pool. Includes this pool and any children. |
Applications per second |
CDH 5 |
apps_completed_rate |
Number of completed YARN applications in this pool. |
Applications per second |
CDH 5 |
apps_failed_cumulative_rate |
Number of failed YARN applications in this pool. Includes this pool and any children. |
Applications per second |
CDH 5 |
apps_failed_rate |
Number of failed YARN applications in this pool. |
Applications per second |
CDH 5 |
apps_ingested_rate |
YARN applications ingested by the Service Monitor |
Applications per second |
CDH 5 |
apps_killed_cumulative_rate |
Number of killed YARN applications in this pool. Includes this pool and any children. |
Applications per second |
CDH 5 |
apps_killed_rate |
Number of killed YARN applications in this pool. |
Applications per second |
CDH 5 |
apps_pending |
Number of pending (queued) YARN applications in this pool. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_pending_cumulative |
Number of pending (queued) YARN applications in this pool. Includes this pool and any children. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_running |
Number of running YARN applications in this pool. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_running_between_300to1440_mins |
Number of running YARN applications in this pool for which elapsed time is between 300 and 1440 minutes. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_running_between_300to1440_mins_cumulative |
Number of running YARN applications in this pool for which elapsed time is between 300 and 1440 minutes. Includes this
pool and any children. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_running_between_60to300_mins |
Number of running YARN applications in this pool for which elapsed time is between 60 and 300 minutes. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_running_between_60to300_mins_cumulative |
Number of running YARN applications in this pool for which elapsed time is between 60 and 300 minutes. Includes this
pool and any children. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_running_cumulative |
Number of running YARN applications in this pool. Includes this pool and any children. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_running_over_1440_mins |
Number of running YARN applications in this pool for which elapsed time is more than 1440 minutes. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_running_over_1440_mins_cumulative |
Number of running YARN applications in this pool for which elapsed time is more than 1440 minutes. Includes this pool
and any children. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_running_within_60_mins |
Number of running YARN applications in this pool for which elapsed time is less than 60 minutes. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_running_within_60_mins_cumulative |
Number of running YARN applications in this pool for which elapsed time is less than 60 minutes. Includes this pool and
any children. |
Applications |
CDH 5 |
apps_submitted_cumulative_rate |
Number of submitted YARN applications in this pool. Includes this pool and any children. |
Applications per second |
CDH 5 |
apps_submitted_rate |
Number of submitted YARN applications in this queue. |
Applications per second |
CDH 5 |
available_memory_mb |
Memory not allocated to YARN containers. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
available_vcores |
Available vcores that can be used for containers. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
container_wait_ratio |
Percent of pending containers when pending containers is more than zero. |
percent |
CDH 5 |
fair_share_mb |
Fair share of memory in this pool. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
fair_share_mb_cumulative |
Fair share of memory in this pool. Includes this pool and its children. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
fair_share_mb_with_pending_containers |
Fair share of memory when pending containers is more than zero. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
fair_share_vcores |
Fair share of vcores in this pool. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
fair_share_vcores_cumulative |
Fair share of vcores in this pool. Includes this pool and its children. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
fair_share_vcores_with_pending_containers |
Fair share of vcores when pending containers is more than zero. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
max_share_mb |
Maximum share of memory configured for this pool. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
max_share_mb_cumulative |
Maximum share of memory configured for this pool. Includes this pool and its children. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
max_share_vcores |
Maximum share of vcores configured for this pool. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
max_share_vcores_cumulative |
Maximum share of vcores configured for this pool. Includes this pool and its children. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
min_share_mb |
Minimum share of memory configured for this pool. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
min_share_mb_cumulative |
Minimum share of memory configured for this pool. Includes this pool and its children. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
min_share_vcores |
Minimum share of vcores configured for this pool. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
min_share_vcores_cumulative |
Minimum share of vcores configured for this pool. Includes this pool and its children. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
pending_containers |
Number of pending (queued) containers in this pool. |
containers |
CDH 5 |
pending_containers_cumulative |
Number of pending (queued) containers in this pool. Includes this pool and any children. |
containers |
CDH 5 |
pending_memory_mb |
Sum of memory currently requested but not allocated for containers in this pool. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
pending_memory_mb_cumulative |
Sum of memory currently requested but not allocated for containers in this pool. Includes this pool and any
children. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
pending_vcores |
Number of vcores requested but not yet allocated for this pool. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
pending_vcores_cumulative |
Number of vcores requested but not yet allocated for this pool. Includes this pool and its children. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
queries_ingested_rate |
Impala queries ingested by the Service Monitor |
queries per second |
CDH 5 |
reserved_containers |
Reserved containers for this pool. |
containers |
CDH 5 |
reserved_containers_cumulative |
Reserved containers for this pool. Includes this pool and any children. |
containers |
CDH 5 |
reserved_memory_mb |
Reserved memory in this pool. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
reserved_memory_mb_cumulative |
Reserved memory in this pool. Includes this pool and any children. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
reserved_vcores |
Number of vcores set aside for this pool, but not used as a part of an allocation. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
reserved_vcores_cumulative |
Number of vcores set aside for this pool, but not used as a part of an allocation. Includes this pool and its
children. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
steady_fair_share_mb |
Steady fair share of memory in this pool. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
steady_fair_share_mb_cumulative |
Steady fair share of memory in this pool. Includes this pool and its children. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
steady_fair_share_mb_with_pending_containers |
Steady fair share of memory when pending containers is more than zero. |
MB |
CDH 5 |
steady_fair_share_vcores |
Steady fair share of vcores in this pool. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
steady_fair_share_vcores_cumulative |
Steady fair share of vcores in this pool. Includes this pool and its children. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
steady_fair_share_vcores_with_pending_containers |
Steady fair share of vcores when pending containers is more than zero. |
VCores |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_adl_bytes_read_rate |
ADL bytes read. Called 'adl_bytes_read' in searches. |
bytes per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_adl_bytes_written_rate |
ADL bytes written. Called 'adl_bytes_written' in searches. |
bytes per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_application_duration_rate |
How long YARN took to execute this application. Called 'application_duration' in searches. |
ms per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_cm_cpu_milliseconds_rate |
yarn.analysis.cm_cpu_milliseconds.description |
ms per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_cpu_milliseconds_rate |
CPU time. Called 'cpu_milliseconds' in searches. |
ms per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_file_bytes_read_rate |
File bytes read. Called 'file_bytes_read' in searches. |
bytes per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_file_bytes_written_rate |
File bytes written. Called 'file_bytes_written' in searches. |
bytes per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_hdfs_bytes_read_rate |
HDFS bytes read. Called 'hdfs_bytes_read' in searches. |
bytes per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_hdfs_bytes_written_rate |
HDFS bytes written. Called 'hdfs_bytes_written' in searches. |
bytes per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_maps_rate |
The number of Map tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'maps_total' in searches. |
items per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_mb_millis_maps_rate |
Map memory allocation. Called 'mb_millis_maps' in searches. |
items per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_mb_millis_reduces_rate |
Reduce memory allocation. Called 'mb_millis_reduces' in searches. |
items per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_reduces_rate |
The number of reduce tasks in this MapReduce job. Called 'reduces_total' in searches. |
items per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_s3a_bytes_read_rate |
S3A bytes read. Called 's3a_bytes_read' in searches. |
bytes per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_s3a_bytes_written_rate |
S3A bytes written. Called 's3a_bytes_written' in searches. |
bytes per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_vcores_millis_maps_rate |
Map CPU allocation. Called 'vcores_millis_maps' in searches. |
items per second |
CDH 5 |
yarn_application_vcores_millis_reduces_rate |
Reduce CPU allocation. Called 'vcores_millis_reduces' in searches. |
items per second |
CDH 5 |